Zwyciężczyni II edycji "Top Model", Olga Kaczyńska, zapewniała przed świętami na antenie "Dzień Dobry TVN", że czeka ją w styczniu dużo ciężkiej pracy. Słowa dotrzymała. Od początku roku regularnie udziela się w pokazach znanych polskich projektantów i marek (Dawid Woliński, Deni Cler), a przede wszystkim poszerza swoje portfolio o nowe doświadczenia.Niedawno Olga była w Londynie, gdzie uczestniczyła w sesji dla agencji Next Models, tej samej która reprezentuje interesy Anji Rubik. Kilka dni temu w internecie pojawiły się kolejne zdjęcia Kaczyńskiej. Tym razem modelka pozowała przed obiektywem Mariusz Maca. Na zdjęciach Olga prezentuje się w kilku skrajnych wcieleniach - jest romantyczna, słoda, a także gorzka i drapieżna. Z chęcią pokazuje swoje długie, seksowne nogi. Oj, jest na co popatrzeć.
For winner of the II edition "Top Model", Olga Kaczyńska, assured before holidays on the aerial "good day TVN" she is much hard work facing in January. She kept her word. From the beginning of a year regularly he is active in displays of well-known Polish designers and brands (Dawid Woliński, Deni Cler), and above all is widening his portfolio for latest experiences. recently Olga was in London, where participated in the session for the Next Models agency, the same which is representing Anji businesses Rubik. A few days ago in the Internet next photographs appeared for Kaczyńska. This time the model posed in front of lens Mariusz Maca. In photographs Olga is looking in a few extreme embodiments - is romantic, słoda, as well as bitter and predatory. Gladly he is showing his long, sexy legs. Ow, it is what for to look
For winner of the II edition "Top Model", Olga Kaczyńska, assured before holidays on the aerial "good day TVN" she is much hard work facing in January. She kept her word. From the beginning of a year regularly he is active in displays of well-known Polish designers and brands (Dawid Woliński, Deni Cler), and above all is widening his portfolio for latest experiences. recently Olga was in London, where participated in the session for the Next Models agency, the same which is representing Anji businesses Rubik. A few days ago in the Internet next photographs appeared for Kaczyńska. This time the model posed in front of lens Mariusz Maca. In photographs Olga is looking in a few extreme embodiments - is romantic, słoda, as well as bitter and predatory. Gladly he is showing his long, sexy legs. Ow, it is what for to look
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